There's a reason you won't find Performance Lab® on any coupon code sites.
We know loads of brands do it. It's not because we don't want to give you value for money. And it's not because we don't want you to try our products. If you're looking to try Mind Lab Pro® for the first time, or Pre Lab Pro®, our nootropic enhanced pre-workout drink. Or even add our Nutropic® snack bar to your lunch box. You can get instant access to 10% off your first order, by signing up at the bottom of this page.
But here's why we like to do things a little differently.
There are lots of reasons why a brand will be on those coupon sites. For them, it's a way of acquiring new customers. It also means they can encourage you to spend more.
"Spend over $75 for 10% off"
And, it can be a way to steer potential customers towards the products that make the brand the most money. If you're clever, you can potentially offset the commission you'll pay to the coupon site, by only offering discount on those higher profit items. Or the products that aren't shifting.
For the 3rd party voucher sites, it's a no brainer. Not only will they take a commission on every sale they recommend, but depending on the site, they'll also gain your data.
Obviously for you, you get cost savings, discover new products, access to exclusive deals. And for convenience, it's one source that gives you the best price for the product you want.

But you can get all of that, from us.
Performance Lab® is now your one stop shop for all of our new products. Like Pre Lab Pro®, Mind Lab Pro® and Nutropic®. You'll be the first to hear of promotional discounts, exclusive deals and get early access to sale events. It's all the benefits of a voucher site, right here.
We're a smaller independent brand. And yes, we could go all out with discount sites and advertising. The aim - to acquire as many new customers as possible - whatever the cost to your experience. But to be honest, that's not us.
It feels...impersonal.
Imagine you're coming to visit our home. Going via a 3rd party site to arrive at us, feels like sending a bus to pick you up. And then leaving the keys so you can let yourself in. And then shooing you out without a word of thanks.
We prefer to welcome you ourselves. From start to finish. Call us old fashioned, but you're important to us. We want to ensure every step of your journey, is offering you the best service, the best products, and the best experience we can possibly give. And if we can do better, we want to learn from you.
If we deal with third parties, we might lose a bit of that.
And we're not here to make you spend more money. We're not here to steer you towards the products we make the most profit on. Just take your time, have a look around, try something you've not had before, buy, or don't buy.
But if you do want to buy, we appreciate that. So we offer a 10% discount on all first orders for everyone who opts into the Performance Lab movement. You'll get 10% off your first order, priority access to sales and offers, and life improving insights. So if you're ready to upgrade yourself...