How to Get Rid of Brain Fog Fast - 7 Ways to Regain Your Focus

  • By Performance Lab
  • 7 minute read
How to Get Rid of Brain Fog Fast  - 7 Ways to Regain Your Focus

You’re sitting at your desk on a Monday afternoon, and the effects of your trip-shot Starbucks are starting to wear off, and you’re left feeling fuzzy, tired, unfocused, and unmotivated.

In simple terms: you’ve got a bad case of Monday brain fog. The Friday night bar outing, a couple of nights of poor sleep, and the hangover food are catching up with you, and this day is feeling like it won’t end.

Sound like a Monday you’ve had before? For most of us, we’ve been there and done that.

We all experience a lack of energy and motivation at times that come with a side of poor focus and fuzziness—it’s why the mid-day coffee break exists.

And while caffeine is a great crutch to keep you going and away from brain fog territory, it’s not a solution. But just because brain fog is common doesn’t mean you have to accept it and let it happen.

If you’re sick and tired of battling brain fog and want to get back to being a #boss, we’ve got what you need—the ultimate guide to beating brain fog fast.

Let’s get started.

What Is Brain Fog?

There’s no concrete definition if you ask someone to describe brain fog. It’s a mish-mash of feelings that all have one thing in common: they’re not pleasant to experience—and frankly, no one wants them.

But what is brain fog like?

  • Fuzzy
  • Lack of focus
  • Poor attention
  • Hazy
  • Cloudy thinking
  • Inattentive
  • Poor memory

It’s a collection of symptoms that underline cognitive issues—these symptoms aren’t the same for everyone. Brain fog manifests differently for every person and can even change for the same person.

But while you may not experience brain fog regularly, some underlying factors can contribute to and exacerbate it. Generally speaking, brain fog is actually a symptom of something else. It can result from a nutrient deficiency, lack of sleep, stress, or even an underlying medical condition.

So, if you’re constantly reaching for a quad-shot espresso to keep get you through your Monday and keep you focused (who are we kidding, it’s every day, not just Monday), it may be time to accept that you’re dealing with the dreaded brain fog and figure out what’s really causing it.

Why Does Brain Fog Happen?

As we said, brain fog isn’t a condition—it’s typically a symptom of something else going on. Be it a nutrient deficiency or severe stress, brain fog arises as a signal that something bigger and more important is going on—you just have to pay attention!

But in any case, here are some of the biggest causes that can leave your head feeling like fluff.

1. Diet and nutrient deficiencies

What you are—and aren’t—eating profoundly influences your overall health, especially your cognitive function. So, when it comes to brain fog and mental clarity, looking at your nutrient intake, or lack thereof, is key.

The body requires a careful balance of nutrients to function optimally, and a deficiency or excess can lead to adverse reactions.

For example, a lack of B vitamins can result in fatigue, emotional disturbances, confusion, poor memory, cognitive decline, behavior changes, and general cognitive impairment 1.

But food sensitives also play into it—gluten, for example, is known to cause brain fog and contribute to systemic inflammation, which can exacerbate cognitive issues 2.

2. Excessive stress

High-stress levels, or even just mismanaged stress, leads to chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system and heightened stress hormone levels, which affect sleep, energy levels, cognitive function, and neurodegenerative disease risk 3.

That’s because cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine divert resources away from vital functions and send them toward systems required to fight or flee. When resources aren’t going toward brain function, your cognitive state suffers.

3. Poor sleep

Ever feel foggy-headed without enough sleep? That’s because sleep deprivation, or even just a few nights of poor-quality sleep, can interfere with attention, focus, memory, decision-making, alertness, reaction time, and motivation 4.

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Plus, not sleeping enough can also disrupt your circadian rhythm, throwing off various body functions—and two things are major contributors to this: blue light (from devices with screens and fluorescent lighting) and your brain’s ability to detox. If you find yourself fuzzy upon waking, check your sleep hygiene and tweak your routine where needed.

7 Tips To Beat Brain Fog And Gain Mental Focus

So, how do you beat brain fog and achieve that pure, blissful mental clarity and focus you’ve dreamed about? Check out these tips.

1. Get enough sleep

Sleep is critical to every single function in your body, and a lack of it—or a lack of good quality sleep—can leave you feeling less than your best. Poor sleep hygiene and exposure to blue light before bed throw off your circadian rhythm, which contributes to brain fog.

Research suggests that sleep deprivation disrupts neurons’ ability to communicate with each other, which can cause temporary mental lapses that affect memory and visual perception 5.

Ideally, aim for 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. And if you’re getting that and still waking up groggy and fuzzy, you may not be going through complete REM cycles. In that case, track your sleep using a smartwatch or app to help you get the most out of your sleep.

2. Take breaks

Sometimes brain fog can be a symptom of lifestyle overload. We’re constantly on the go, which means we don’t give our brains any sort of mental break.

If you’re dealing with a mid-day slump due to a lack of motivation, it may be because you just haven’t done anything that excites you. Stop, account for where you are, and take a break!

Maybe all you need is a bit of creativity and fun to light that spark. If possible, schedule one thing daily that you enjoy.

And try taking a break from work to get your creativity flowing—sometimes work tasks can be draining, and all you need is a few minutes just to breathe, and the mental fatigue takes a back seat.

3. Do a mini-meditation

Meditation is fantastic for rejuvenation, and if you’re feeling restless and unfocused, consider doing a mini meditation to regroup.

Be it stress reduction, anti-anxiety, or greater awareness, there are plenty of benefits to meditation—and for that moment where you feel brain fog rolling in, meditation can function like a mini reset.

Studies even find that meditation can lead to greater attention and accuracy, and it may even reverse some of the patterns in the brain that contribute to worrying, mind-wandering, and lack of attention 6, 7.

4. Use herbs

Herbs are super powerful for all things cognition, and while addressing the root cause of stress and brain fog is key, herbs are a great crutch to help you along in the meantime.

Adaptogens are a class of herbs that support your adrenal glands—the system responsible for managing your body’s hormonal response to environmental, physical, and emotional stress; these herbs essentially support your stress response and how your body adapts to stress.

Although there are plenty of adaptogens, mushrooms like turkey tail, reishi, and cordyceps are effective for increasing focus, reducing brain fog, and fighting fatigue 8.

5. Eat whole foods

Food is medicine, and incorporating healing and whole foods into your diet is the easiest way to reduce stress load and support optimal physiological function.

There’s a lot of buzz about “brain foods,” but the best strategy is to focus on eating healthy, whole, and nutrient-dense foods in their most natural state.

Dark green, leafy vegetables, berries, nuts and seeds, lean proteins, and wild fish are all high in nutrients and healthy fats that support brain health.

But don’t eliminate foods because they’ve been deemed “bad”–aim for balance and ensure you’re eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

6. Exercise your mind and body

We all know exercise is important for the body, but if you don’t exercise the mind, you’re in trouble. And while exercise may be the last thing on the agenda after a busy day, getting your butt to the gym can go a long way toward battling brain fog and fatigue.

Regular physical activity helps to protect cognitive function, and aerobic exercise, specifically, has been shown to restore lost executive function and improve sleep, mood, depression, and anxiety 9—all factors that can aggravate brain fog.

But working your brain is just as important. Learning anything new—skills, information, places, people—can promote neuroplasticity, and a healthy, dense, well-connected brain is one of the best anti-fog defenses around 10.

7. Get outside

Exposing yourself to sunshine can also greatly impact brain fog and mental clarity. A 2015 study found that walking outside for 90 minutes can significantly decrease cortisol levels, effectively helping your body cope with stress and preventing mental fatigue; time in nature has been shown to elicit positive effects on mood and aspects of cognitive function, including working memory and reducing anxiety 11.

Outside can also improve short-term memory and attention, so if you’re doing tasks requiring mental focus, don’t skip your daily walk 12!

The 5 Best Supplements For Brain Fog

On top of the tips we’ve just mentioned, we have the super stack of five powerful supplements to fight brain fog and increase energy, mental fortitude, focus, and attention.

It’s the ultimate combination of the most powerful natural compounds designed to turbocharge your cognitive capabilities and fend off brain fog for good.

  1. Performance Lab Mind
  2. Performance Lab Caffeine+
  3. Performance Lab Energy
  4. Performance Lab MCT
  5. Performance Lab Omega-3

Final Thoughts

Whether from stress, nutrient deficiencies, poor sleep, or medications, brain fog happens to the best of us at the most inconvenient times.

And if you’re sick of feeling like your head is constantly in the clouds, taking a look at your diet and lifestyle practices is a great place to start.

With simple adjustments and our brain-fog-fighting super stack, your mind will be sharp, attentive, and ultra-focused in no time.


  1. Kennedy DO. B Vitamins and the Brain: Mechanisms, Dose and Efficacy—A Review.  2016;8(2):68.
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  5. Nir Y, Andrillon T, Marmelshtein A, et al. Selective neuronal lapses precede human cognitive lapses following sleep deprivation. Nat Med. 2017;23(12):1474-1480.
  6. Norris CJ, Creem D, Hendler R, Kober H. Brief Mindfulness Meditation Improves Attention in Novices: Evidence From ERPs and Moderation by Neuroticism . Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:315.
  7. Sood A, Jones DT. On mind wandering, attention, brain networks, and meditation. Explore (NY). 2013;9(3):136-141.
  8. Panossian A, Wikman G. Effects of Adaptogens on the Central Nervous System and the Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Their Stress-Protective Activity. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2010;3(1):188-224.
  9. Basso JC, Suzuki WA. The Effects of Acute Exercise on Mood, Cognition, Neurophysiology, and Neurochemical Pathways: A Review. Brain Plast. 2017;2(2):127-152.
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  11. Bratman GN, Daily GC, Levy BJ, & Gross JJ. The benefits of nature experience: Improved affect and cognition. Landsc Urban Plan. 2015; 138:41-50.
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