Stim & Stim-Free Innovations for a Healthy Mind-Body Power Surge
Struggling with tiredness and fatigue? Feeling generally low-energy? If you are looking for supplements to raise your natural energy levels, you're in luck. This year, the best energy supplements are evolving to help you increase energy levels in a cleaner, healthier way.
In this article, we're going to discuss the latest advancements in energy supplements across both stim-free and caffeinated formulas, concluding with the best energy products you can buy on the market today. Let's get to it!
Today's best stim-free energy supplements now boost vitality on a cellular level.
Advanced energy formulas are now maximizing vitality by targeting mitochondria: The "powerhouse" organelles within cells that take in nutrients, break them down, and use them to produce energy.
By optimizing mitochondria -- helping to protect, produce, fuel and multiply them within cells -- supplements unleash a whole-body power surge, helping with both physical and mental fatigue.
Today's best stim-free energy supplements unleash a different kind of vitality boost:
- Clean, revitalizing and natural energy boost without stimulation
- No crashes, jitters, irritability or other booster side effects
- Revitalizing nootropic benefits for mental energy
- Physical vitality benefits for strength, endurance and more
- Metabolic weight loss benefits: burns energy stored in fat while keeping energy in muscle
- High energy levels without super-stimulation and its related side effects
Of course, many people still prefer caffeine stimulation as their energy-booster of choice. There's good news in this category as well, because caffeine-driven energy booster supplements are evolving, too.
Today's best energy supplements with caffeine produce cleaner stimulation.
The days of megadose caffeine-powered energy supplements are gone. Now, advanced stim-driven formulas are increasing energy levels in a cleaner, healthier and more comfortable way.
Some features of today's top stim-driven energy supplements:
Precision-dose caffeine, helping users to find their "sweet spot" dosage associated with the best stimulatory effects.
Caffeine + L-Theanine. L-Theanine helps promote a state of wakeful relaxation, taking the edge off caffeine stimulation while allowing its alertness benefits to shine.
Restorative nutrients: Caffeine is associated with nutrient depletion. Today's best stim supplements are designed to help restore what caffeine takes away, so you get the alertness benefits without running low on essential vitamins and minerals.
Brain chemical support: Stimulation burns through more neurotransmitters more quickly. A little extra support for these brain chemicals is now being included in caffeine pills to promote a healthier stimulation experience.
Now that we've discussed the cutting-edge features of today's leading stim-free and stim-driven energy pills, let's take a look at some of the best energizing ingredients.
The short list of the best ingredients found in today's top energy boosting supplements are:
- Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) + Black Pepper Extract
- Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)
- R-Lipoic Acid (R-ALA)
- Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT)
- Performance-Enhanced Caffeine (Boosted with B-Complex, L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine)
- Vitamins & minerals, or simply a good multivitamin supplement
Each of these ingredients can support healthy energy levels when taken solo. However, the real magic happens when they are taken as ultramodern new forms and combined into a supercharged energy stack.
Let's learn more about each of these energy booster supplement ingredients, one by one.
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Best Individual Energy Supplements
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Coenzyme Q10 is a pseudovitamin that helps support energy production in many ways. CoQ10 plays a crucial role in bioenergetics: The flow and transformation of energy across all biological life forms.
This vitamin-like coenzyme powers bioenergetic activity by sparking chemical reactions within cells that produce ATP energy, as well as shuttling energy substrates across mitochondrial membranes.
CoQ10 also helps fight fatigue and raise cell energy throughout the entire body by:
- Stimulating the body's ability to create fresh new mitochondria within cells
- Converting into a potent mitochondria-protective antioxidant
Part of CoQ10's bioenergetic role is that it is a cofactor required by mitochondria to convert macronutrients into ATP natural energy in the body's cells.
CoQ10's energizing effects are associated with health and vitality, especially in the context of high-energy organs like the heart and brain.
CoQ10 may boost energy on a cellular level.
Ever feel drained from physical and mental stress? Research has suggested CoQ10 supplementation may help to reduce feelings of mental and physical fatigue and enhance performance.
Early evidence from animal research also suggests it may support nitric oxide production, helping to relax blood vessels and promote circulation. For these reasons, CoQ10 is sometimes taken in combination with pre workout dietary supplements.
How to take CoQ10 for Energy: MicroActive® Q10 + BioPerine® Black Pepper Extract
CoQ10 is a remarkable energy nutrient. Without CoQ10, biological life-form energy could not even exist.
We are capable of naturally producing our own CoQ10. We can also get it from food, although it is mostly present in organ meats that few people eat. And, CoQ10 declines with age.
CoQ10 supplements are the answer. However, CoQ10 is notoriously difficult to absorb and utilize, especially in older adults. To get its full energizing potential, take CoQ10 as advanced MicroActive® Q10 and combine it with BioPerine® Black Pepper Extract.
MicroActive® Q10 is easy to absorb CoQ10. Research has shown that MicroActive® Q10 absorbs quickly, sustains release over 24 hours, and doubles blood CoQ10 levels within 3 weeks when taken daily.
BioPerine® is a patented form of black pepper extract, long prized in Ayurvedic medicine, that boosts nutrient absorption. Research has suggested BioPerine® may enhance CoQ10 bioavailability by up to 30%.
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)
Like CoQ10, PQQ is a cofactor that helps increase energy production in cells via mitochondria optimization. PQQ helps mitochondria in a couple of ways:
Mitochondria Protection: PQQ is an antioxidant with 5000X the free radical-fighting power of vitamin C, protecting mitochondria and preserving their energy efficiency
Mitochondria Biogenesis: PQQ has been shown in clinical research to boost the number of mitochondria within cells, helping the body produce energy.
When considering supplements to buy for stim-free energy, CoQ10 and PQQ are two of the best mitochondria boosters that may work even better together than when taken alone.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)
ALCAR is an amino acid that plays a crucial role cell energy by fueling mitochondria. If a cell is like a car, and gasoline is nutrition, then ALCAR is like the gas pump.
When it is taken as a supplement, ALCAR migrates to mitochondrial membranes. Here, it works by ushering long-chain fatty acids across the membrane and into the mitochondria.
Continuing with the car metaphor, ALCAR funnels fuel substrates into cell powerhouses (mitochondria), where they are "combusted" to produce the ATP energy that powers our lives.
ALCAR also escorts waste products out of mitochondria – helping them to function efficiently; as well as reducing the damaging effects of free radicals on mitochondria.
R-Lipoic Acid
R-Lipoic Acid is a coenzyme that is naturally produced within mitochondria that plays critical roles in cell energy metabolism. It has been suggested to:
- Enhance mitochondria structure and performance
- Protect mitochondria directly and indirectly by boosting antioxidants
- Promote healthy activity of enzymes involved in mitochondrial function
Researchers have suggested Lipoic Acid, ACLAR and CoQ10 are leading mitochondrial nutrients for supporting overall health and wellness.
In supplement form, R-Lipoic acid is available as Bio-Enhanced® that helps eliminate gastric side effects and maximize bioavailability.
Vitamins & Minerals (or a good multivitamin supplement)
You may know essential nutrients for being present in a healthy diet and promoting all-round health benefits. But some essential and minerals are also incredibly important for cellular energy production:
Iron supplements: Iron deficiency anemia can diminish your natural energy levels. This is because iron is required for red blood cells to transport oxygen, which the body's cells "burn" in order to generate energy. Iron deficiency is easily corrected with iron supplements.
B-Vitamins: The B-complex vitamins support many aspects of wellness, including robust blood flow, mental performance and keeping nerve cells healthy. In addition, the B-complex -- especially vitamin B12 -- help catalyze cell energy. B12 is found in animal foods, so if you are vegan it is likely a good idea to take this key energy nutrient as a supplement.
Vitamin D: Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with feelings of fatigue. Taking supplements and getting more sunshine can help restore healthy vitamin D levels, which supports not only energy, but also the immune system.
Magnesium: This mineral is a key cofactor in over 300 life-sustaining biological activities in the human body. Among those bioactivities are the production of energy, which cannot occur if magnesium is not present. Magnesium supplements offer a bonus for energy: their muscle-relaxing effects help slumber in those with difficulty falling asleep.
Best Energy Supplements for Chronic Fatigue
Many more people are now seeking energy supplements for Chronic Fatigue: a miserable set of symptoms including tiredness, pain, exhaustion after exercise, brain fog, cortisol stress hormone dysfunction, lack of enough sleep and others. The following supplements may help:
CoQ10: When studied in conjunction with a nutrient called NADH, it has also been suggested to help with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Magnesium: One review analyzed 26 research studies and found that, of the 17 supplements evaluated, only two appeared to help -- one was a magnesium supplement.
Vitamin B12 and B9: Some research suggests B12 + B9 supplements can help to relieve the brain fog that often accompanies chronic fatigue.
Chronic fatigue can be difficult to manage, but the right lifestyle changes, dietary choices and supplements may help to bring significant improvements to your energy levels.
Now that we've covered some of the best individual ingredients for naturally raising your energy levels, let's look at the high-quality supplements that deliver them most effectively.
Best Stim-Free Energy Supplement

Performance Lab® Energy
Performance Lab® Energy combines all of the stim-free energy boosters we just discussed, all in their most advanced forms, into one clean, vegan-friendly capsule:
- MicroActive® Q10 (CoQ10), 100 mg
- BioPQQ® (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone), 10 mg
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR), 750 mg
- BioPerine® Black Pepper Extract, 2.5 mg
- Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid, 150 mg
Because it features all of the best nutrients for improving mitochondrial function, Performance Lab® Energy can boost your cell vitality like no other vitamins and supplements can.

Performance Lab® Energy works by:
- Promoting energy production in cells' mitochondria; a powerful way to fight fatigue
- Enhancing vitality further by helping to multiply, protect and charge-up mitochondria
- Optimizing exercise by maintaining energy in muscle and metabolizing energy in fat
- Supporting efficient metabolic performance in nearly every cell in the body
Get the Best Performance Lab® Energy Deal Now
Typical energy pills' caffeine megadoses boost fast, but crash hard.
Performance Lab® Energy's ultramodern design works without caffeine for a smarter, cleaner and healthier energy boost.
- Safe, natural and legal way to revitalize mental and physical performance
- Stimulant-free energy for those who prefer to avoid or limit caffeine intake
- Ultramodern energizers MicroActive® Q10, BioPerine®, BioPQQ®, Bio-Enhanced®
- Delivered in plant-based, prebiotic-infused NutriCaps® from pullulan (fermented tapioca)
Take Performance Lab® Energy for stim-free daily vitality, peak athletic performance, energized cognition, enhanced fat metabolism, long-range health and more.
Get the Best Performance Lab® Energy Deal Now
Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT)
Our #1-recommended energy supplement Performance Lab® Energy has a strong mitochondrial focus. As a vitality booster, Performance Lab® Energy may work even better when combined with mitochondria-optimizing Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs.
Medium-Chain Triglycerides work by raising levels of compounds called ketones. MCT and ketones help mitochondria by:
Serving as an efficient fuel source. MCT ketone fuel enters mitochondria more easily, serving as as energy-efficient alternative fuel source for mitochondria to burn.18
Optimizing mitochondria. MCT and ketones are associated with mitochondria biogenesis, mitochondria structure integrity and healthy mitochondrial function.
Best MCT for Energy: Performance Lab® MCT oil
There are four medium-chain triglycerides that you will see in supplements:
- C6 – Caproic Acid
- C8 – Caprylic Acid
- C10 – Capric Acid
- C12 – Lauric Acid
Coconut oil supplies all four of these MCTs. The problem is, C6 and C12 are associated with gastric distress. And besides, they are not even the best of the MCTs for energy and mitochondrial support. Coconuts aren't commonly found in a balanced diet, either!
Further, coconut oil can be sold in low-quality forms, including from genetically modified coconuts, potentially produced in mass agriculture via unnatural means.
Performance Lab® MCT oil is the cleanest, most efficient mind-body MCT fuel -- and the best overall for energy supplement applications.
Performance Lab® MCT supplies only the most important C8/C10 MCTs from 100% non-GMO organic coconuts.
This helps unlock peak MCT metabolic benefits without the gastric distress concerns of C6/C12 MCTs in plain coconut oil or inferior-quality MCT formulas.

As an energy supplement, Performance Lab® MCT oil is great as:
- Fast-acting performance fuel to boost energy, cognition and metabolic function
- An optimizer and protector of brain cells' powerhouse mitochondria
- Fuel for mind-body vitality during intense exercise and fasted training
- Boosts energy quickly to help replace physical and mental fatigue with clean power
- Helps with all fat loss and diet programs, including ketogenic lifestyles
Get the Best Performance Lab® MCT Deal Now
Performance Lab® MCT is also a great energy supplement because it works in ways that promotes health benefits, rather than diminishing your health (like some other energy formulas).
Performance Lab® MCT is:
- Neuroprotective, supporting both long-range brain health and mental energy
- C8/C10 MCTs: More potent, effective and easier to digest than coconut oil
- State-of-the-art MCT: Clean, pure, triple-filtered and calibrated to 60% C8 and 40% C10
- Flavor-neutral, mixes easily into coffee, shakes, smoothies, dressings
Best Multivitamin for Energy: Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi
Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi supplies absorption-enhanced vitamins and minerals in 2 formulas, each calibrated for men's and women's needs. All totaled, this supplement delivers 27 vitamins and minerals, including those your body needs to produce energy.
NutriGenesis® vitamins and minerals are produced using a patented fermentation process. They include whole-food cofactors that make them easy to absorb and bio-identical to nutrients found in a healthy diet.
This energy multivitamin Supplies B-vitamins (including vitamin B12), iron to reverse iron deficiency anemia and oxygenate red blood cells, along with magnesium and other essentials for energized muscle and nerve function
Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi is:
- Foundational nutritional support for daily vitality and long-range overall health
- The cleanest, healthiest and easiest-to-absorb multivitamin supplement ever developed
- Delivered in 100% plant-based, prebiotic-infused NutriCaps® for digestive system comfort
- Ultraclean Performance Lab® design: No synthetic additives, colors or preservatives
Best Stimulant Energy Supplement: Performance Lab® Caffeine+
Both Performance Lab® Energy and Performance Lab® MCT are stimulant-free energy boosters.
But some people prefer stimulation in their energy supplement. And, to be fair, caffeine is one of the greatest energy supplements known. The problem is caffeine has always been associated with jitters, crashes, side effects and stim hangovers... until now.
Performance Lab® Caffeine+ revolutionizes the typical stim-energy supplement with a slick ultramodern design. It makes caffeine work BETTER with:
Precision dosing
More is not always better. High doses of caffeine can be counterproductive for human performance, triggering side effects that can make you shaky, irritable and unbalanced.
Performance Lab® Caffeine+ 50 mg caffeine per serving is low-dose by design.
It enables you to determine your personal optimal caffeine dosage for performance-enhancing stimulation with less concern over side effects and crashes.
Start with one capsule to determine the effects of 50 mg caffeine. Adjust dosage as needed, adding a second capsule, and then a third, up to 5 capsules (250 mg) per serving.
Gauge your performance at each caffeine level to determine the best Caffeine+ dosage for your unique needs.
Tailor Caffeine+ dosages for different tasks and activities to optimize your performance with precision.
B-Vitamin Replenishment
Caffeine is associated with depletion of B-Vitamins, including vitamin B12. Performance Lab® Caffeine+ is precision-tuned to replenish the B vitamins the caffeine takes away. It does so with vitamin B12, B6 and B9 as bioavailable NutriGenesis®.
In Performance Lab® Caffeine+, all of these B's are presented in a low dose format. Performance Lab® Caffeine+ low-dose approach is designed to match the mild B vitamin depletions that are associated with regular caffeine intake.
No other supplement on the market approaches caffeine-induced vitamin B12 depletion (and other B vitamins) like Performance Lab® Caffeine+ does.
Brain Chemical Support
Along those same restorative nutrition lines, Performance Lab® Caffeine+ also supplies L-Tyrosine. This non essential amino acid supports brain chemicals that are depleted more rapidly in a stimulated state, including those that are affected by caffeine.
Performance Lab® Caffeine+ is the only caffeine supplement that is designed to balance stimulation in this way.
It is an ultramodern caffeine supplement for this year and beyond.

Performance Lab® Caffeine+ delivers performance-enhanced caffeine benefits
Caffeine enhanced for superior nootropic, athletic and thermogenic performance
Promotes alert, revitalized performance during multitasking, stress and fatigue
Raises Alpha brainwaves to balance caffeine energy with relaxation, creativity and clarity
Helps reduce jitters, crashes and other negative effects of caffeine overstimulation
- Get the Best Performance Lab® Caffeine+ Deal Now -
Performance Lab® Caffeine+ is safe to use, every day
Helps replenish caffeine-depleted brain chemicals, for daily use with less burnout
Promotes balanced physiological responses to caffeine-induced stress
50 mg caffeine serving size for dosing precision, stacking safety and stim control
Get the Best Performance Lab® Caffeine+ Deal Now

Performance Lab® Energy, Caffeine+, MCT and NutriGenesis® Multi are the best energy supplements you can buy this year.
Together, these vitamins and supplements feature today's greatest nutrition technology breakthroughs for energy. As a result, you can enjoy greater vitality benefits than ever.
Take these energizing Performance Lab® formulas solo if you like. But for even better benefits, combine them into an ultramodern energy-boosting superstack. Performance Lab® formulas are all designed to go together, so you can stack them together safely and effectively.
Take these vitamins and supplements for as much or as little energy as desired, stim-free or stim-driven as you like, clean and healthy for optimal daily use.
And don't forget lifestyle factors in your day-to-day energy levels. Address fatigue-inducing chronic stress and get those cortisol levels balanced. Practice good sleep hygiene, and revitalize yourself better with an advanced sleep supplement. All of these little steps can make a big difference in your energy and healthy vitality.