Does Vitamin B12 Contain Caffeine?

  • By Abigail Roberts
  • 2 minute read
Does Vitamin B12 Contain Caffeine?

No, vitamin B12 does not contain caffeine. The only similarity between B12 and caffeine is that they both work with the nervous system.

Caffeine works to increase stress hormones and B12 works to bring them down to normal levels. They both produce energy and decrease fatigue, though in very different ways.

So, does this mean that B12 would work as an alternative to caffeine? Which is better for increasing energy levels? This article explores all you need to know about vitamin B12 and caffeine!

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that helps keep our body’s blood and nerve cells healthy and functioning optimally. Vitamin B12 also helps make DNA, the genetic material found in all cells in our body.

You find B12 in a wide variety of animal foods, such as fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, nutritional yeast, clams, and liver.

Vegetarians and vegans are commonly deficient in B12 due to the lack of animal products in their diet, which makes it more necessary for supplementation.

A lack of B12 may leave you feeling weak and tired, as well as potential unexplained weight loss and lack of appetite.

While supplementing with B12 has many benefits for health and wellbeing, this is only relevant in those who are deficient in the nutrient.

Many manufacturers promote B12 for athletes, claiming it helps boost energy and endurance. Though, this is only true for those who lack vitamin B12.

What is Caffeine?

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in tea, coffee, and many parts of the cacao plant. It works by stimulating the brain and central nervous system, helping us stay more alert and energized, thus preventing the onset of tiredness.

Once ingested, caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream and gets to work pretty quickly. Caffeine has the most profound effect on the brain, where it blocks the effects of adenosine.

Adenosine is the neurotransmitter responsible for relaxing the brain and making us feel tired, which gradually builds up throughout the day.

With caffeine’s adenosine-blocking effects combined with the increased activity of dopamine and norepinephrine, caffeine can stimulate the brain, causing us to feel more alert and focused.

So, is this anything like the effects of vitamin B12?

B12 Vs Caffeine: Is One Better Than the Other?

The simple answer is no. There is not much resemblance between caffeine and B12, as one is considered a psychoactive drug and the other an essential nutrient.

These substances work in very different ways. Caffeine directly affects the brain and central nervous system, causing us to feel alert and more energized shortly after consumption. Whereas B12 is an essential nutrient that helps ensure the smooth running of our central nervous system and brain health.

While B12 supplements are often marketed at athletes looking to boost their energy and endurance, this is only really the case in those with low B12 levels.

Ensuring your B12 levels are adequate will thus ensure you avoid deficiency, which can result in chronic tiredness and fatigue. This isn’t quite the same as boosting your energy levels with a supplement or substance like caffeine!

The Bottom Line

Caffeine is a natural stimulant commonly found in coffee and tea. It has a direct effect on the brain, blocking the effects of adenosine and ensuring we are left feeling awake and alert shortly upon consumption.

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient needed for the proper functioning of our brain and central nervous system. While it can prevent tiredness and fatigue in those who are deficient in B12, it does not directly affect our energy levels like caffeine does.

If you think you may be deficient in B12, it’s important to consult your doctor to get your levels checked! Otherwise, keep your levels topped up with an effective daily multivitamin, such as NutriGenesis Multi! 

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