Best Multivitamin for Men 2024: Top Product for Peak Masculine Vitality and Health

  • By Becki Kesner
  • 23 minute read
Best Multivitamin for Men 2024: Top Product for Peak Masculine Vitality and Health. A Healthy man in a white T-shirt smiles and takes a selfie against an ocean backdrop.
  • image of Kinga Jasiak, ANutr, BSc Nutrition and Health
  • Expert reviewed by Kinga Jasiak, ANutr, BSc Nutrition and Health

Deciding to take a multivitamin is a great starting point for strong masculine health.

Finding the best multivitamin can be challenging.

Add specifically formulated for men to that —and the search gets wider and longer.

There are many products on the market, and it can be hard to find one that delivers truly optimal health support.

This article is here to help you.

We do a deep dive on key vitamins and minerals for men, their benefits, the forms that work best and more. We reveal the top-rated multivitamin for men, along with bonus supplements that can further enhance your nutritional status.

So if you want to learn all about the best multivitamins for men and make the most informed choice possible, read on!

In a rush? The best multivitamin for men is Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi for Men. It supplies high-absorption essentials, calibrated for a man's distinct nutritional needs, in the cleanest formula on the market today.

See The #1 Multivitamin For Men

What the Best Men's Multivitamin Can Do For You

What the Best Men's Multivitamin Can Do For You: Image of a fit and healthy male with a beanie hat and headphones in running up steps.

Key nutrients enhance men’s health in more ways than you might think.

If you’re into bodybuilding and athletics, they can help you perform better and pack on muscle. More into brainy activities? Essential micronutrients can support cognition, too.

Really, no matter who you are or what you are trying to achieve in life, essential nutrients can help you along the way by supporting healthy biological function across all of your body’s organs and systems.

Essential vitamins and minerals can help men to:

  • Spark energy in all of the body's 30+ trillion cells
  • Optimize healthy testosterone production
  • Promote healthy aging; fight cell-damaging free radicals
  • Assist with prostate health, urinary comfort & sexual health
  • Support the nervous system and brain; help cognition and mental health
  • Nourish joint flexibility, bone health and muscle strength
  • Promote healthy immune system function
  • Support heart health, cardiovascular function and circulation

Here's the challenge, though: essential nutrients can only deliver these benefits if you get enough of them every day. And in 2024, even if you eat a healthy balanced diet you might not be getting as many essential nutrients as you think you are.

That's where a great multivitamin supplement comes in.

Why Men May Need a Multivitamin Supplement

A multivitamin is a smart and reliable way to fill nutritional gaps.

So what are nutritional gaps? Basically, they refer to shortfalls of nutrients, where you aren’t consuming enough vitamins and minerals from diet alone.

A multivitamin is your nutritional insurance, just in case you are falling short on key minerals and vitamins in the foods that you are eating.

Less-than-ideal nutrient intake may be more common in men than you think.

Suboptimal nutritional status is not as bad as nutrient deficiencies (which are rare) but can still have a negative impact on overall health.

There are many reasons why men's nutritional status isn't quite optimal in 2024.

For starters, our food supply may simply not be as nutrient-dense as it used to be.

Why Men May Need a Multivitamin Supplement: A hand is holding some soil against a leafy green background. The soil has nutrient symbols dotted around it to convey the concept of nutrient rich soil.

Now, a typical registered dietitian nutritionist may immediately argue this point, and insist that we get all the vitamins and minerals we need from a healthy balanced diet. And normally a healthy diet effectively meets what we need.

But some scientific data seems to suggest things aren't quite normal in our food supply:

A review of 50 years of agriculture records (from 1950 to 1999) has discovered that fruits and vegetables now appear to have less nutrition than in previous years.(1)

This news is a little disturbing, because it suggests that even a healthy diet might not be enough to support peak wellness.

Here are just a few examples from the report that show how much nutrition was lost in produce over the course of 50 years:

  • Green Peppers: 57% less vitamin B2
  • Broccoli: 60% less calcium
  • Cauliflower: 58.9% less iron
  • Spinach: 58.7% less vitamin C
  • Honeydew Melon: 84.1% less iron

So where has all that good nutrition gone?

So where has all that good nutrition gone? A farmer is placing his hand on the soil with the sun going down in the background

The researchers who authored the study suggested that the nutritional decline from an otherwise balanced diet may be caused by:

  • Dilution. Packing too many plants into a plot of farmland reduces the nutrition available to each one.
  • Hybrid plants. Plants bred to grow fast; quick time-to-harvest may reduce nutrition.
  • Soil depletion. Over time, soil is leached of nutrients by crops, and is not always restored.
  • Fruit & vegetable cultivars. The biggest and most colorful are not always the most nutritious.
  • Pesticides & herbicides. Some toxic substances used in agriculture actually reduce nutrition.

Even some meats, dairy and other animal-based foods this year may be falling short on nutrition.

Mass agriculture has also been suggested to reduce nutrition in dairy and meat foods, as well as skewing nutrient ratios.(2)

Of course, men with less-than-ideal nutrient levels can't place all the blame on modern agriculture.

Many additional eating practices and habits can further diminish nutritional content in foods, including:

  • Cooking foods - Microwaving and boiling foods may be depleting their nutritional content(3)
  • Age-related nutrient absorption issues - Absorbing nutrients gets less efficient as men age(4)
  • Stressing out - Stressful lifestyle can diminish our nutritional status(5)
  • Prescriptions - Drug-induced depletion of vitamins and minerals may be a concern(6)

Less nutrient-dense foods and depleting lifestyle factors may contribute to widespread nutritional shortfalls and fill nutritional gaps.

One large review suggests that Americans may be falling short on some important nutrients, with researchers suggesting that:(7)

  • 34% don’t get enough Vitamin A
  • 25% don’t get enough Vitamin C
  • 70% don’t get enough Vitamin D
  • 60% don’t get enough Vitamin E
  • 38% don’t get enough Calcium
  • 45% don’t get enough Magnesium

If you’re not eating the nutrition you need, you may be putting your health at risk. Even slightly low nutrition levels may be a cause for concern:

“Suboptimal intake of some vitamins, above levels causing classic vitamin deficiency, is a risk factor for [health problems] and common in the general population.” – Journal of the American Medical Association

All these depletions and concerns are why the men’s multivitamin is the most important supplement you can take.

Regular blood work can help ensure that your micronutrient levels are within the normal range.

Doing so helps fill nutrient gaps and ensure you get the essentials you need for overall health, despite all nutrient-depleting factors.

Now, let’s list the most important 24 vitamins and minerals in men’s supplements and some of the various health benefits that they help to support.

24 Essential Vitamins & Minerals for Masculine Health & Wellness

A range of vibrant colored foods such as blueberries, kale, turmeric, legumes and nuts to represent the 24 Essential Vitamins & Minerals for Masculine Health & Wellness


  1. Vitamin A - One of the fat-soluble vitamins, it supports the immune system, eye health, and proper cell growth.
  2. Vitamin C - Raises collagen levels, which in turn helps musculoskeletal and blood vessel structure. It also promotes immune system, anti-aging, and vision health, as well as helps support healthy aging. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin.
  3. Vitamin D - Another one of the fat soluble vitamins, vitamin D is called the "sunshine vitamin" because when we get sunlight, we can produce our own. Vitamin D is required for muscle and bone health, the latter due to its ability to support optimal absorption of calcium. Vitamin D also maintains immune health, skin health, cardiovascular health and healthy blood sugar levels. It plays a role in testosterone, making it a must-have in the best multivitamins for men.
  4. Vitamin E - This fat-soluble vitamin is known for its antioxidant activity. Vitamin E provides immune support, as well as promoting healthy cardiovascular performance, skin, eye, and heart health
  5. Vitamin K - Helps keep calcium in bones and out of the bloodstream, thereby supporting cardiovascular health (including blood pressure and general heart health) and skeletal strength at the same time. Also known for its role in blood clotting
  6. Vitamin B1 (thiamin) - Key for nervous system function, brain health, cell energy, and immune performance
  7. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - Plays a crucial role in cell energy metabolism, as well as supporting the nervous system and antioxidant defenses
  8. Vitamin B3 (niacin) - Promotes cell energy, central nervous system function, cardiovascular performance, and hormone balance
  9. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - Required for the production of red blood cells; also supports healthy digestion, cell energy, and food metabolism
  10. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - Helps neurotransmitter formation, cognitive function and nervous system health, cell energy, and circulation
  11. Vitamin B7 (biotin) - Supports hair-skin and nails, cell energy, and amino acid metabolism
  12. Vitamin B9 (folate) - Also known as folic acid, this key player in the B vitamins maintains cardiovascular health, reproductive health, food metabolism and brain health. Folic acid requirements are higher for women; but men still need this essential B-vitamin.
  13. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) - Known among the B vitamins for its key role in producing cell ATP energy; also helps maintain cognitive function, eye health, and cardiovascular health


  1. Boron - This is one of the key vitamins for men, especially due to its roles in supporting bone health, optimal testosterone levels, musculoskeletal function and brain health
  2. Chromium - Assists with blood sugar balance, popularly used to support fat loss programs
  3. Copper - Optimizes mitochondria for ATP energy production in cells; also plays a role in enzyme formation
  4. Iodine - Foundational nutrient for supporting healthy and balanced thyroid hormone production, which in turn helps maintain metabolism
  5. Inositol - Optimizes cell membranes, suggested to promote mood balance and neurotransmitter production
  6. Iron - Required for red blood cell production. Specifically, it helps form the hemoglobin that enables red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. This is important for athletes who train hard, as it plays a role in cell energy production. Higher levels of iron are associated with women's health, but make no mistake: this mineral is a must-have for men, too.
  7. Magnesium - This essential nutrient is a critical cofactor for hundreds of bio-activities; helps support healthy bones, cardiovascular & heart health, muscle function, blood pressure, nervous system and energy
  8. Manganese - Included in some multivitamins to promote flexible joints and strong bones; also plays a role in breaking down foods that we eat
  9. Molybdenum - Trace mineral is involved in enzymatic functions throughout the body, as well as supporting protein synthesis
  10. Selenium - antioxidant that promotes healthy immune system function, cardiovascular health, thyroid hormone, and healthy brain function
  11. Zinc - Important for overall masculine health, including testosterone; immune system support, thyroid hormone production, healing, vision health and athletic performance

All of these nutrients are required in the best multivitamins for men's bodies and minds.

You can help these nutrients work better by taking them in today's cleanest, most bioavailable and effective forms, which are found in the highest quality supplements on the market.

See The Top Multivitamin For Men

Multivitamin for Men Benefits

We just did a rundown on the minerals and vitamins that are found in multivitamin supplements, and how they help general health. Some essentials are especially helpful for specific men's wellness concerns, which is what we cover next.

Prostate Health

The prostate is a gland in men that helps produce semen. With advancing age, this gland can grow larger in size, which in turn can lead to frustrating urinary and sexual performance symptoms; as well as raising risk for more significant men's health concerns.

Vitamin D and mineral selenium are associated with prostate health. Some researchers suggest these essentials may help protect the prostate.(8)

Musculoskeletal Function

Men's musculoskeletal systems require vitamins and minerals to function optimally, especially through the aging process.(9)

Bone health, muscle and nerve function rely heavily on vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other essential nutrients. They enable nerve conductivity, muscle contraction and relaxation, bone mineralization and more.

If you're a man with an active and healthy lifestyle, essentials can promote the optimal bone health, muscle function and overall vitality you need to be your best.


Some older adults may be falling short on the most important essential nutrients required for healthy testosterone production. A men's multivitamin helps by supplying adequate levels of these testosterone essentials, including:(10)

Zinc: Raw material helps form testosterone, regulates its release, and maintains T depleted by exercise

Magnesium: Sustains free testosterone by fighting the neutralizing effects of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)

Vitamin D: Research links D to significant increase of total, bioactive and free testosterone Boron: Fights SHBG and estrogen; helps the androgen DHT, along with Magnesium and Vitamin D, to work better Vitamin K: Research suggests low vitamin K may limit testosterone while supplemental vitamin K may help raise testosterone levels.

Testosterone influences men's health in many ways, helping to support bone health, muscle maintenance, sexual health and more, especially in older adults. As such, the best multivitamin for male health must include these basic nutrients for testosterone, ideally in high-absorption forms.

Immune function

These days, what man doesn't want to support immune function? The fact is, immune system challenges can leave a man feeling depleted: Unable to train hard, work productively, or otherwise break through daily barriers.

As such, the best multivitamin for men must include essentials like vitamin D for healthy immune function.

Some of the best essentials for immune function include:(11)

  • Vitamin D: Optimizes immune cells, helps to promote appropriate and balanced immune responses.
  • Vitamin C: Enhances production of immune cells; vitamin C also supports gut barrier integrity to help protect against invaders
  • Zinc: Supports healthy performance of immune cells including NK (Natural Killer) cells
  • Selenium: Strengthens natural antioxidant defenses and regulates immune cell activity

Cell energy production

Feeling run down? Your nutritional status may be partly to blame. Certain nutrients play key roles in maintaining your energy levels.(12)

Among them, B vitamins stand out: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin). These cofactors facilitate the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into usable energy molecules like ATP.

Alongside B vitamins, minerals like magnesium, iron, copper and zinc are vital. Magnesium aids in ATP synthesis, while iron is integral for oxygen transport, and zinc contributes to enzyme function.

How to Choose the Right Men's Multivitamin

How to Choose the Right Men's Multivitamin. Drugstore Aisle with Colorful Display of Natural Health Products and Supplements

There are literally hundreds of different multivitamin brands for men on the market today. Making matters more confusing are dozens of different types of men's multivitamins. For example, there are:

One-Daily Multivitamins

Many multivitamins feature a convenient one-daily design, placing them among the most popular vitamin supplements on the market. However, they do have some drawbacks.

The main issue: Most multivitamins in the one-daily category use synthetic isolated nutrients.

In order to deliver enough nutrition in just one pill or capsule per serving, once-daily multivitamins must choose nutrients with the smallest molecular footprint.

Synthetic nutrients are smaller, so you can pack more into a once-daily pill or capsule. But they may be harder for the body to absorb because they lack natural cofactors.(13)

Whole Food Multivitamins

On the other end of the spectrum are multivitamins made from whole foods. These supply all of the natural cofactors that are missing from synthetic isolated nutrients.

As a result, whole food multivitamin products for men have a larger serving size, but may also be easier to absorb key nutrients.

Whole-food multivitamin dietary supplements get some or all of their nutrients from vegetables, herbs, fruits, and mushrooms.

Whole foods sourced for these formulas may also include organic fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs like organic turmeric root. For those following a plant-based diet, a vegan multivitamin can provide essential nutrients sourced from organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

Whole food multivitamin supplements are often recognized as large, tightly compressed green tablets. For some people, these larger pills can be difficult to swallow.

Multivitamin Hybrids

These supplements start with vitamins and minerals, and then build on nutrients designed to target more specific health concerns beyond maintaining overall health.

Examples of products in this category are men's multivitamins for brain, heart, energy, joint health and more.

Many hybrid multivitamins fail by trying to do way too much.

By overreaching, these hybrid multivitamins for men may still fall short on the dosages required to produce any type of health benefit.

For example, a hybrid joint health multivitamin will squeeze glucosamine and chondroitin into a multivitamin capsule that's already tight for space. As a result, the hybrid formula may:

  • Use small-molecule synthetic vitamins and minerals;
  • Skimp on glucosamine and chondroitin dosage, rendering them virtually useless;
  • Be prohibitively large, requiring massive tablets in high numbers at every serving

The multivitamin is the most important supplement a man can take. It is crucial to get it in a format you can take easily, every day.

The most effective way to accomplish this is to get a dedicated multivitamin for men that's designed to do one thing only: Restore nutritional wellness.

If you wish to target other aspects of health, start with a good multi and then stack on additional dedicated formulas for brain health, energy levels, testosterone support, etc.

*We suggest supplements that stack well with our top multivitamin at the end of this article.

So what is the right type of nutrient to look for in multivitamin supplements this year?

Top Choice for Men's Multivitamins - Cultured Nutrients

Top Choice for Men's Multivitamins - Cultured Nutrients. A man in a lab setting is holding a cultured nutrient seedling in a pair of tweezers.

Cultured vitamins and minerals may also be called "fermented" nutrients. Essentially, cultured nutrients are grown in a state-of-the-art botanical setting.

As a result, cultured minerals and vitamins include all the natural cofactors that you would find in foods, making them easy to absorb.

Cultured nutrients are also cleaner and more eco-friendly than whole-food sourced nutrients, and perfect for a vegetarian or vegan diet.

There are many different forms of essential minerals and vitamins on the market. But NutriGenesis® cultured vitamins and minerals are the most effective you can take.

More on NutriGenesis® when we discuss our top men's multivitamin a little further down the page.

Men's Multivitamin Delivery Forms

There are a lot of delivery forms when it comes to men's multivitamin products. The best multivitamins for men use vegan capsules, with Nutricaps leading the way. Let's take a look at these options.

Men's multivitamin gummies

These supplements taste good, which makes them easier to take. But they also often contain unhealthy sweeteners, unnecessary calories and animal products that may not be compatible with dietary restrictions.

Even the best men's multivitamin gummy may not fit with your lifestyle if you are striving to eat a clean and vegan diet.

Multivitamin liquid supplements

Liquid multivitamins are versatile; you can add them to shakes, smoothies and drinks. But they typically don't taste great, and may be linked with digestive distress if taken on an empty stomach.

Standard capsules

Capsules are the most common delivery form for multivitamin dietary supplements, and generally they are considered the best and most convenient.

But many capsules are animal sourced (gelatin), which don't work with all lifestyles.

Even vegetarian HPMC "plant-based" capsules are actually semi-synthetic, even though they may appear "natural." An advanced capsule called NutriCaps® offers a solution.

Top Pick: NutriCaps® prebiotic-infused multivitamin capsules

NutriCaps® are the best dietary supplement delivery form found on the market today, meeting the broadest needs of health-savvy consumers.

NutriCaps® solves all capsule delivery concerns with an innovative, high-quality vegan format that outperforms the gelatin and HPMC capsules.

They are made with gluten free pullulan: a type of fermented Cassava root which is a prebiotic to nourish a healthy gut and support digestion.

Now that we've gone over the details of multivitamins for men, it's time to reveal the single best men's multivitamin supplement you can buy: Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi for Men.

Top Multivitamin for Men: Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi for Men

We'll make it easy for you: The best multivitamin for men is Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi for Men.

Top Multivitamin for Men: Performance Lab® boxes and bottles of NutriGenesis® Multi for Men against a white background.

Why this particular multivitamin supplement? Because it supplies clean, easy-to-absorb and eco-friendly NutriGenesis® essential vitamins and minerals -- precisely formulated to meet a man's specific needs, and presented in a clean-label format that works for everybody.

NutriGenesis® Multi for Men is the comprehensive nutritional support supplement that helps to build the strongest possible foundation for your masculine vitality.

NutriGenesis® Multi for Men is Healthy for Daily Use

  • Supplies 24 nutrients, including 100%+ Daily Value of 15 key vitamins and essential minerals for men's vitality, especially. All the nutrients you need to fill dietary gaps associated with health concerns
  • All NutriGenesis® vitamins and minerals include whole-food cofactors. They mirror the nutrient structure of whole foods, and therefore may be easy for the body to recognize, digest and utilize
  • Delivered in 100% plant-based, prebiotic-infused, gluten free NutriCaps® for digestive health and comfort
  • Ultraclean Performance Lab® design: No synthetic additives, colors or preservatives of any kind. Dairy free, gluten free and non-GMO.
  • High quality. Undergoes third party testing for trusted nutrition precision. If your multivitamin does not undergo third party testing, it may not deliver what you expect.

This best-in-class multivitamin is great on its own, but even better as a starting point for robust overall health -- especially when stacked with other Performance Lab® supplements.

Shop Performance Lab® NutriGenesis®

Boost Nutritional Status Even More with Performance Lab® Prebiotic

Because it helps with optimal absorption of nutrients, Performance Lab® Prebiotic helps NutriGenesis® Multi to work even better while reinforcing your healthy nutritional status.

Boost Nutritional Status More with Performance Lab® Prebiotic. A hand is held out palm face up holding 3 prebiotic capsules. The Performance Lab Prebiotic bottle is held in the other hand.

Prebiotics boost probiotic Bifidobacterium in the gut.

Bifidobacterium probiotics enhance the absorption of certain nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc; as well as boosting natural synthesis of B vitamins and vitamin K in the gut.(14)

Performance Lab® Prebiotic's key is Orafti® Synergy1: Oligofructose-enriched inulin ( Inulin-FOS) is a plant fiber found in whole foods; Orafti® Synergy1 is an ultramodern form sourced from chicory root, specifically. It is the most research-backed prebiotic ingredient available.

Taking Prebiotic also helps you to increase your fiber intake.

Recommended daily intake of dietary fiber is 38 g for men. However, most men consume less than that. Low fiber intake is associated with a wide range of health concerns, while healthy fiber intake appears to enhance overall wellness in many ways.

Prebiotic Benefits for Men

  • Helps digestive regularity, gut comfort, efficient nutrient absorption
  • Nourishes existing gut microbiome instead of adding new probiotics
  • Promotes healthy immune performance
  • Supports heart; regulates bad cholesterol absorption
  • Enhances calcium absorption for bone health

Take NutriGenesis® Multi for Men + Prebiotic to efficiently and naturally optimize your nutritional status.

Shop Performance Lab® Prebiotic


Men's multivitamins vs. Women's multivitamins: What's the difference?

Men and women have distinct nutritional needs. Women who are menstruating require more iron and folate than men, for example. Women also typically require less vitamin A, and zinc due to their (generally) smaller body size. A high quality multivitamin will design gender-specific formulas to best address these differences.(15)

How do I take NutriGenesis® Multi for Men?

Take 4 capsules daily. Best practice is to take as 2 capsules, twice per day.

Because it is a clean, premium supplement, NutriGenesis® Multi for Men may be taken comfortably and effectively either with food or on an empty stomach.

Be sure to discuss NutriGenesis® Multi for Men (and all supplements, really) with your healthcare professional before taking them, since certain health conditions and drugs (such as acid-reducing proton pump inhibitors), which deplete nutritional status(16) may change your nutritional requirements.

Who should take NutriGenesis® Multi for Men?

Good multiple supplements with high-quality essential vitamins and minerals should be the starting point for all nutritional supplement regimens.

All men should take NutriGenesis® Multi for Men.

Whether you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond, this is one supplement that is clean and easy to absorb - so you can get the reliable support you need to optimize overall health.

Is NutriGenesis® Multi for Men safe?

Performance Lab® is a high-quality supplement brand that always puts safety first. NutriGenesis® Multi is designed to be safe for long-term daily use - supplying pure, potent ingredients that are dosed appropriately, calibrated for men's needs, and based on today's best clinical research.

NutriGenesis® Multi for Men's clean formula design – gluten-free, no GMOs, and avoiding colorants, preservatives, and other additives – is also well-tolerated by the body. That means it is not only safe and beneficial for long-term use but also is comfortable to take every day.

Other multivitamins seem to provide more vitamin and mineral DV than Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi for Men. Why is this?

First off, more is not always better. Too much iron, for example, can be toxic for men. So higher levels of vitamins and nutrients in other multivitamins may simply reflect clumsy formulation. Other multivitamins may supply larger doses to compensate for using isolated nutrient forms, which are harder for the body to absorb.

NutriGenesis® Multi for Men is a precision-calibrated multivitamin supplement. Its nutrients are easy to absorb and highly bioavailable, designed to raise nutritional status with lower doses. It ultimately delivers ideal nutrient levels, just enough to optimize your status without going overboard.

What is the best time of day to take a multivitamin?

It is generally recommended that you take a multivitamin with food. Doing so helps to promote optimal absorption of minerals and vitamins. With that in mind, whichever time of day coincides with your largest meal is likely the best time to take your multivitamin.

Final Thoughts on the Best Multivitamins for Men

Taking a multivitamin may be regarded as a ritual essential for men who are devoted to maintaining their health. So clearly, you want to take the best multivitamin you possibly can to unleash your full masculine potential.

Of all the dietary supplements on the market, Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi for Men is the best men's multivitamin for restoring nutritional wellness and building a strong foundation for peak masculine health.

Take NutriGenesis® Multi for Men under the direction of your healthcare professional, and get the essential micronutrients you need for virtually any aspect of your overall masculine wellness, including testosterone, muscle, immune, heart and support prostate health.

Remember: A multivitamin is crucial step, but it's just the first step.

NutriGenesis® Multi for Men gets your nutritional status back up to par. But why stop there?

Additional "Essential" Supplements to Stack with a Multivitamin

So how do you make the best multivitamin for men even better?

Stack on additional Performance Lab® formulas to unleash your full performance potential.

Consider combining NutriGenesis® Multi for Men's essential vitamins and minerals with:

Omega-3 Supplement

Performance Lab Omega-3 Supplement

Essential fatty acids are right up there with essential vitamins and minerals for their whole-body health potential. Performance Lab® Omega-3 is an ultraclean, gluten free, and vegan-friendly formula that supplies healthy fats without fish, instead sourcing from eco-friendly algae.

Shop Performance Lab® Omega-3

Brain Supplement

Brain Supplement Mind Lab Pro®

Mind Lab Pro® reinforces the brain-healthy essentials in NutriGenesis® Multi for Men with more dynamic and powerful nootropics for focus, memory, mental clarity and cognitive recovery.

Shop Mind Lab Pro®

Immune Supplement

Immune Supplement Performance Lab® Immune

Performance Lab® Immune bolsters some of the same nutrients in NutriGenesis® Multi for Men (immune-boosting vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium and zinc) with today's most innovative ingredient for immune health and function, a postbiotic called Immuse.

Shop Performance Lab® Immune

Energy Supplement

Performance Lab® Energy bottle on its side against a green background. Capsules are spilling out.

NutriGenesis® Multi for Men has B-complex vitamins for cell energy production plus copper to support mitochondrial function. Performance Lab® Energy takes it to the next level -- unleashing a stim-free surge of vitality that starts in your cells and expands to power-up energy levels throughout your whole body.

Shop Performance Lab® Energy

Vision Supplement

Performance Lab® Vision Supplement bottle with rich berry red capsules falling around it.

NutriGenesis® Multi for Men supplies essentials for vision health, including antioxidant vitamins A, C and E plus zinc. Performance Lab® Vision adds on phytochemicals for vision performance and eye health, including lutein and zeaxanthin from marigold flowers, along with antioxidants from black currants and bilberries.

Shop Performance Lab® Vision

Ready to unlock the full masculine health power of vitamins and minerals?

Restore the nutrients that may be missing from your diet, and you can restore healthy cell performance across all body systems. Performance Lab® NutriGenesis® Multi for Men is the cleanest, most effective way to take you there.

Take NutriGenesis® Multi for Men as Performance Lab®'s nutritional starting point.

Optimize cell function first. Then advance to peak vitality, health and performance across everything that you do by exploring the whole Performance Lab® line.

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