What Are the Signs You Need Probiotics?

  • By Abigail Roberts
  • 2 minute read
What Are the Signs You Need Probiotics?

Surprisingly, gut health has a huge impact on whole-body health, making the human gut much more complex than what we previously thought.

A healthy gut can contribute to a strong immune system, heart health, brain support, stable mood, good quality sleep, and a smooth-running digestive system.

It may even help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases, making gut health a priority when considering strategies to improve overall health.

Taking a probiotic is just one of the ways you can improve your gut microbiome by increasing the population of good bacteria, thus ensuring your overall health is in check. The presence of good bacteria in the gut is essential for keeping harmful bacteria under control, promoting good digestion, and keeping immunity strong.

Many health issues can stem from an unhealthy gut, such as asthma, skin disorders, infections, and IBS. So, do you think you could benefit from probiotics?

Here are six signs you may have a gut imbalance!

6 Signs You May Need a Probiotic

1) You have asthma or allergies

Leaky gut syndrome is a common cause of food allergies, which can be eased by improving the amount of beneficial bacteria in your gut. Also, studies have found that the use of probiotics may reduce the severity of asthma symptoms.

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2) You suffer from mood disorders

Depression, anxiety, stress, irritability, and other mood disorder can sometimes stem from bad gut bacteria. Interestingly, your gut bacteria actually interacts with brain neurotransmitters that are involved in mood regulation.

3) You’ve had food poisoning

Food poisoning can leave behind bad bacteria in the gut, even for quite some time after you’ve suffered. Have you found that you have been suffering from digestive issues since you last had food poisoning? It may be time to consider replenishing and rebalancing your good bacteria!

4) You’re frequently unwell

A lack of healthy gut bacteria can weaken your immunity, making you more susceptible to viruses, infections, and illnesses. If it seems like you’re always coming down with something, it may be possible that you need a probiotic to help strengthen your immunity.

5) You’ve taken antibiotics

Antibiotics are the opposite of probiotics, which are designed to kill off all bacteria in the body whether it’s good or bad. After a course of antibiotics, you may need to increase and rebalance the good bacteria in your gut.

6) You suffer from skin conditions

Flushing out waste products from your body can help to maintain clear, healthy skin, which is why digestive issues are commonly linked to skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. If you’re having some issues managing these skin conditions, it may be worth trying to clear your skin from the inside out.

The Best Probiotic Supplement

Looking for a high-quality, effective probiotic supplement?

Well, the first thing to look out for is whether the probiotic supplement in question also includes prebiotics. While probiotics can provide your gut with additional good bacteria, prebiotics feed the bacteria, helping to keep the gut microbiome nourished and thriving.

With this in mind, Performance Lab Prebiotic is a 2-in-1 prebiotic and soluble fiber designed to support healthy metabolic and microbiome performance, the most effective formula for supporting digestive health, gut comfort, and a healthy immune system!