L-Theanine for Weight Loss: Does It Really Work?

  • By Cristian Fry
  • 14 minute read
L-Theanine weight loss: Electronic scales against a blue background and a pink sticker with a question mark

Many people trying to lose weight turn to supplements that may boost metabolism, curb appetite, or enhance overall well-being. But what if you're looking for something different in your fat loss stack?

One such supplement gaining attention is L-theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid found primarily in tea leaves. Known for its calming properties and ability to promote relaxation without causing drowsiness, L-theanine is now being explored for its potential roles in weight loss.

This article delves into how L-theanine may help with losing weight, its versatile benefits, and what the latest research says about incorporating this supplement into your weight management strategy.

Whether you're an exercise enthusiast or someone seeking a gentle yet effective aid in your weight loss journey, understanding the benefits of L-theanine could be a game-changer.

So, we’re breaking down the ins and outs of L-theanine and if it should have a place in your fat-burning stack. Let's get to it!

Key Takeaways

Stress Reduction: L-theanine promotes alert relaxation while reducing stress, which in theory may help with stress-related eating and cravings.

Improved Sleep Quality: By enhancing sleep quality, L-theanine may support weight loss efforts, as poor sleep is linked to body weight gain.

Enhanced Focus and Mood: L-theanine is a highly regarded nootropic for mental focus and mood balance, which may help reduce the likelihood of emotional eating.

Synergy with Caffeine: When combined with caffeine, L-theanine can enhance cognitive function and energy levels without jitters. A great pre-workout combo for mind-body performance.

L-Theanine Supplement Recommendations: Top pre-workout formula with L-Theanine and Caffeine: Pre Lab Pro®. Best nootropic stack with L-Theanine to buy: Mind Lab Pro®. Top caffeine pill with L-Theanine: Caffeine 2. We discuss them all at the end of this article.

What is the Amino Acid L-theanine?

What is the amino acid L-Theanine? A natural compound found in tea, including green tea. Shown from above are raw green tea and a wooden scoop against a grey background.

L-theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves, especially in green tea that has long been prized for its versatile weight loss support.

Green tea supplies antioxidants called catechins, which boost metabolism and help burn fat more efficiently. Green tea also has a small amount of caffeine, which can enhance energy levels and increase calorie burning during physical activities.

Now, in addition to catechins and caffeine, researchers and dieters alike are investigating green tea's L-Theanine as yet another natural compound for helping to shed excess body fat.

In fact, in one rodent study, researchers concluded that the anti-obesity effect of green tea is due to not two, but three major compounds—catechins, caffeine, and theanine.(1)

Green tea's L-theanine works differently from catechins and caffeine: it focuses more on the psychological aspects of weight management.

L-theanine promotes relaxation and stress relief, which may help with stress-related eating and cravings. When it is isolated from green tea's caffeine, L-theanine also may improve sleep quality.(2) Its sleep support may provide additional support for weight loss, since poor sleep is linked to overweight and obesity.(3)

On the other hand, catechins and caffeine in green tea directly boost metabolism and increase fat burning, providing a more immediate effect on calorie expenditure and energy levels.

How L-Theanine May Work for Weight Loss

How L-Theanine May Work for Weight Loss. A young man sits in the lotus position in a calm and peaceful state of meditation.

L-theanine is believed to help with weight loss via two main pathways: enhancing brain waves and balancing brain chemicals.

Both of these pathways contribute to a resilient and balanced mindset that may be perfect for dieting, working out and losing weight.

Brain Waves: L-theanine has been shown to increase Alpha brainwave activity.(4) Elevated Alpha waves are associated with enhanced mental awareness and arousal, promoting relaxation without inducing drowsiness. This state of relaxed alertness can improve focus and attentional performance, helping to reduce stress-related eating and improve overall mental clarity.

Brain Chemicals: L-theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier, directly supporting brain chemicals linked to relaxation, such as GABA, dopamine, and serotonin.(5) Simultaneously, L-theanine binds to glutamate receptors, blocking the excitatory neurotransmitter L-glutamate.(6) It all adds to a settled central nervous system and a calm, focused mindset.

Bonus L-Theanine Fat Loss Benefit: A Caffeine Complement

L-Theanine fights the negative effects of caffeine on the brain. This is important because caffeine is one of the best evidence-backed fat loss supplements.

L-Theanine supplementation may help dieters to use caffeine for fat loss with less jitters, agitation and other unpleasant side effects that typically come alongside high doses of caffeine.(7)

Additionally, some researchers have suggested L-theanine targets caffeine’s propensity to reduce slow-wave sleep—the sleep needed for repair and restoration--and thereby may fight caffeine's negative effects on sleep.(8)

Potential Ways L-Theanine Benefits Weight Loss

Potential Ways L-Theanine Benefits Weight Loss. A young woman is holding a glass mug of green tea in one hand. In her other hand she holds measuring tape around her waist.

The big question remains: Can L-theanine help with weight loss? It is backed by a lot of research as one component in the legendary fat loss supplement, green tea. But as a solo supplement, L-Theanine has not been studied much as a weight loss pill.

Regardless, its effects on physical and psychological state may offer a powerful indirect advantage for anyone looking to drop a few pounds. Let's take a look at a few of those effects right now.

Anti Stress

The potency of L-theanine in tea is the main reason why a steaming cup of green tea offers such relaxing effects. As such, it can influence psychological and physiological states during periods of stress and mental exertion.(9)

Have you ever felt the urge to binge on all the bad foods when you’re stressed? The phenomenon of ‘stress eating’ is real, and it can lead to some major side effects for your waistline. While acute stress may curb your appetite due to the cascade of stress hormones that temporarily put eating on hold, chronic stress can have the opposite effect.

Studies suggest that long-term stress alters eating patterns and the salience and consumption of hyperpalatable foods, which could trigger neurobiological adaptations that promote compulsive eating behaviors.(10)

Research suggests that stress affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, along with appetite-related hormones and hypothalamic neuropeptides. Altogether, these changes enhance reward sensitivity, food preference, and the need to consume hyper-palatable foods, resulting in weight and body fat mass changes.

On the other hand, a healthy stress management plan that includes L-theanine supplementation may help to strengthen appetite control and reduce stress-related eating.

Mood Support

Because L-theanine is a structural analog of the neurotransmitter glutamate, an excitatory brain chemical, it blocks the effects of glutamate and thus increases GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that promotes calmness and relaxation.

Animal studies suggest it may also increase brain serotonin and dopamine, both of which play a role in regulating mood.(11)

It has been shown to increase alpha brain wave activity without inducing drowsiness, and alpha brain waves are the brain activity exhibited during the relaxed, yet an inattentive state.

All of these L-Theanine bioactivities are believed to provide versatile support for weight loss programs.

L-Theanine's unique stress reduction + mood enhancement combination may significantly impact eating behaviors, especially in terms of stress eating or emotional eating.

Improved mood and reduced stress levels contribute to better sleep quality, may help you suppress appetite (emotional or stress eating) and better regulate energy intake, as well as helping to motivate the exercise performance that is crucial for weight loss.

Workout Booster

L-Theanine is a workout booster. A woman is performing pushups in a gritty gym. Her face shows an expression of calm focus, which is a benefit of L-Theanine.

L-theanine is valued in sports nutrition formulas for its ability to enhance focus, reduce caffeine-related side effects, improve reaction time and attention, lower stress levels, and support better sleep quality -- all of which contribute to improved athletic performance and recovery.

Enhanced Focus and Mental Clarity: L-theanine promotes relaxed alertness. This helps athletes maintain focus and mental clarity during workouts and competitions, allowing them to perform at their best without the distraction of stress or anxiety.

Reduced Jitters from Caffeine: Sports nutrition formulas may contain caffeine for its performance-enhancing benefits. But caffeine can cause jitters, anxiety, and an increase in heart rate. L-theanine reduces these side effects by promoting relaxation without drowsiness, for a smoother, more stable energy boost in the gym.

Improved Reaction Time and Attention: Studies have shown that the combination of L-theanine and caffeine can improve reaction time, visual attention, and cognitive performance.(12,13) This is particularly beneficial in sports that require quick decision-making and precise movements.

Stress Reduction: Physical exertion and competition can be stressful. L-theanine helps reduce stress by increasing the production of calming neurotransmitters such as GABA, serotonin, and dopamine. Lower stress levels can lead to better performance and quicker recovery.

Enhanced Sleep Quality: Adequate rest is crucial for muscle recovery and overall athletic performance. L-theanine supports better sleep quality by promoting relaxation, which can help athletes recover more effectively and be ready for their next training session or competition.

Synergistic Effects with Other Ingredients: In combination with other ingredients commonly found in sports supplements, such as amino acids and vitamins, L-theanine can enhance the overall effectiveness of the formula. It complements the stimulating effects of caffeine and other performance enhancers, creating a balanced and effective supplement.

For these reasons, the best caffeinated pre-workout supplements will always include L-Theanine. We discuss the top pre-workout formula that uses the caffeine + L-Theanine stack below.

Energy Metabolism

How your body handles energy has everything to do with body composition, and some early research suggests that L-theanine may play a role in regulating energy metabolism and aiding in fat oxidation.

A 2021 rodent study on the effects of L-theanine in obese mice found that not only did consumption of theanine increase energy expenditure (calorie burning), but it also helped with obesity.

In this study, researchers gave mice L-theanine injections (100 mg per kg of body weight each day) and observed several positive effects:

  • L-theanine helped the mice's bodies generate more heat (burn more calories) and turned their white fat into a type of fat that burns energy more like brown adipose tissue (BAT). Laboratory tests confirmed that L-theanine could make fat cells behave more like brown fat cells.
  • It also activated another protein, AMPK, which is important for energy balance. When AMPK was blocked, the beneficial changes in fat cells did not happen.
  • L-theanine raised levels of a molecule called α-ketoglutarate in fat cells, which can activate gene expression by changing their DNA structure. The activation of AMPK was necessary for these DNA changes and the increase in α-ketoglutarate levels.

Overall, L-theanine helped reduce obesity and improved glucose tolerance and total cholesterol levels in mice fed a high-fat diet. These findings suggest that L-theanine could be a potential treatment for diet-induced obesity by turning white fat into a more energy-burning type of fat.(14)

By promoting the browning of white fat, L-theanine may increase the body’s energy expenditure.

This can lead to higher utilization of free fatty acids for energy, thereby reducing fat storage and potentially helping weight loss.

Sleep Support

L-Theanine offers sleep support. A woman wearing an eye mask is sleeping deeply, nestled in a plush pillow and thick comforter.

Fat loss and weight management aren’t just a combination of a solid training program and a good diet. Other lifestyle factors like stress and sleep also play critical roles, and studies suggest that L-theanine’s sleep-promoting properties may support fat loss.

While there may not be a direct link between L-theanine consumption and fat loss, a large body of evidence suggests that sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality undermine dietary effort to reduce adiposity.(15)

Because L-theanine can improve sleep quality, it may be a key player in the game to achieving a healthy weight.

Safety Notes

While L-theanine is widely regarded as very safe, it is always best to take it under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Your doctor can help ensure that L-theanine is appropriate for your individual health needs and goals, monitor for any potential interactions, and optimize the overall effectiveness of your overall plan to reduce body weight.

The optimal dosage of L-theanine for weight loss is not well-defined, as most research focuses on its effects on relaxation, stress reduction, and cognition.

However, based on general usage and available studies, here are some guidelines to consider:

Common Dosages:

Standard Dose: The most common dosage of L-theanine is between 100 to 200 milligrams per day. This dosage is typically sufficient to achieve the desired calming and focusing effects without significant risk of side effects.

Higher Doses: Some studies and clinical trials have used doses up to 400 milligrams per day, particularly for specific therapeutic effects such as improved sleep quality or enhanced cognitive performance. However, higher doses should be taken under medical supervision.

Usage Guidelines:

Single Dose vs. Split Doses: L-theanine can be taken as a single dose or split into multiple doses throughout the day, depending on the desired effect. For example, a single dose in the morning can help with daily focus and relaxation, while a split dose (morning and evening) can support both daytime performance and nighttime sleep.

Combination with Caffeine: L-theanine is often taken in combination with caffeine in a 2:1 ratio (e.g., 200 mg of L-theanine with 100 mg of caffeine) to enhance cognitive benefits while mitigating the side effects of caffeine.

Top L-Theanine Supplements for Weight Loss

Mind Lab Pro®

Mind Lab Pro is the top nootropic stack with L-Theanine. Its boxes and bottles are shown against a soothing blue background.

"Universal Nootropic" to boost all types of cognitive function in all types of people.

Ingredients: Citicoline, Phosphatidylserine (PS), Bacopa monnieri (24% bacosides), Organic Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Maritime Pine Bark Extract (95% proanthocyanidins), N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, Rhodiola rosea (3% rosavins, 1% salidrosides), NutriGenesis® B-Vitamins.

*Each Serving of Mind Lab Pro® (2 NutriCaps®) supplies 100 mg of L-Theanine.

If your looking for brain-powered weight loss Mind Lab Pro® (MLP) is the best nootropic stack with L-Theanine. This comprehensive supplement is designed to enhance cognitive function, memory, focus, and overall brain health, utilizing a blend of scientifically researched ingredients, providing users with improved cognition and long-term brain support.

Mind Lab Pro®'s whole-brain boost may help with several cognitive functions related to weight loss, such as motivation, stress resistance, mood balance, focus and more.

MLP® is backed by research. Specifically, two double-blind, placebo-controlled human research trials conducted at the University of Leeds have demonstrated its benefits for information processing and several aspects of memory.(16,17).

Ultimately, Mind Lab Pro® is the one nootropic supplement that does everything you need -- memory, attention, concentration, mood, relaxation, stress relief and more.

Shop Mind Lab Pro®

Pre Lab Pro®

Pre Lab Pro is the top pre-workout stack with L-Theanine. Its tub is shown open, revealing a scoop and pink powder within. Next to the tub sits a glass of reddish-pink pre-workout drink.

“World’s smartest pre-workout drink": smooth energy, focus and peak performance with no jitters or crashes.

Ingredients: Red Beetroot Powder; Setria® Performance Blend; Natural Caffeine; L-Theanine; L-Tyrosine; Vitamin D3, Potassium and Iron (all as NutriGenesis®), Himalayan Pink Salt. Delicious natural berry flavor.

*Each Serving of Pre Lab Pro® (1 scoop) supplies 160 mg of L-Theanine + 80 mg of caffeine.

Pre Lab Pro® is a nootropics-enhanced pre-workout formula developed. It supplies a moderate dose of sport-tuned caffeine with L-theanine and other amino acids that help to balance intense workout energy with calm, cool control.

With an additional nitric oxide boost for blood flow plus natural hydration support, Pre Lab Pro® enhances intensity, motivation and mental sharpness throughout your session -- for better gym performance, muscle growth and muscle gains overall.

Shop Pre Lab Pro®

Performance Lab® Caffeine 2

L-theanine benefits weight loss effectively in conjunction with caffeine. Caffeine 2 is today’s best caffeine pill with L-Theanine. Shown are its bottle, box and capsules.

This "smart caffeine" delivers precision stimulation in a cleaner, healthier format.

Ingredients: Natural Caffeine (from Coffea robusta seeds), L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, NutriGenesis® Caffeine Balance B-Complex.

*Each Serving of Caffeine 2 (1 NutriCap®) supplies 100 mg of L-Theanine + 50 mg caffeine. More capsules can be taken - up to a recommended maximum of 5 capsules (250 mg caffeine, 500 mg L-Theanine) per day.

Caffeine 2™ enhances all caffeine advantages and benefits -- alertness, mental clarity, physical and mental energy, weight loss and more -- while reducing jitters, crashes and other unpleasant side effects.

The end result is performance-tuned stimulation: Cleaner, healthier, sharper vitality that's easy and convenient to take every day. A perfect addition for your sports nutrition or fat loss supplement stack.

Shop Performance Lab® Caffeine 2™

Final Thoughts

Incorporating L-theanine into your weight loss regimen could offer a multifaceted approach to addressing fat accumulation and shedding those stubborn extra pounds.

Unlike many supplements that focus solely on boosting metabolism or curbing appetite, L-theanine addresses the psychological aspects of weight management.

By promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing mood, it helps to mitigate stress-related and emotional eating, which are common barriers to weight loss.

Plus, its ability to improve sleep quality can indirectly help you shed excess body weight, as good sleep is crucial for metabolic function and provides many additional health benefits for overall well-being.

And finally, L-theanine really unlocks caffeine's performance-enhancing potential in the gym. By blunting caffeine jitters and side effects, L-Theanine helps athletes to channel their stimulation into intense workouts that are calm and controlled.

Whether used alone or in combination with other supplements like caffeine, L-theanine benefits for dieters add up to a balanced, holistic approach to weight management. Take it under your doctor's supervision along with a healthy diet and exercise program for best weight loss results.

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