Inulin and IBS: What's The Link?

  • By Performance Lab
  • 2 minute read
Inulin and IBS: What's The Link?

The composition of bacteria in your gut is intrinsically linked to gut health and irritable bowel syndrome. If you suffer from this uncomfortable condition, listen up! Because we might have just the thing for you.

Inulin is a prebiotic fiber known to help stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Scientists believe this could be the key to treating and improving symptoms of IBS.

This article investigates the link between gut bacteria and IBS and how inulin can help. Let’s dive in!

What is Inulin?

Inulin is a fructan made up of chains of fructose molecules and is found in many plants such as chicory root, artichoke, asparagus, onion, and wheat.

Fructans are a type of prebiotic fiber that the body cannot digest easily. Instead, they make their way through the digestive tract to the large intestine, where they feed the good gut bacteria and promote the growth of other beneficial microbial species.

Boosting the numbers of beneficial bacteria in the gut is linked to better immune function, blood sugar control, mental and digestive health, lower cancer risk, and weight loss.

As gut bacteria play a role in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common digestive condition that causes stomach pains, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation, inulin is often taken as a supplement to improve gut health and alleviate symptoms.

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Benefits of Inulin for IBS Sufferers

Our gut contains trillions of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, some of which are beneficial for our health while others are harmful. A healthy gut consists of plenty of “good” bacteria and a diverse range of microbial species 1 - like a garden flourishing with plant life and flowers, free from weeds!

When this delicate balance becomes disrupted, known as dysbiosis, your gut health suffers, and you may experience unpleasant intestinal symptoms. Scientists believe gut dysbiosis plays a key role in developing IBS and have found that boosting the levels of good gut bacteria can help reduce symptoms 2.

The food you eat has a huge impact on your gut microbiota composition. A poor diet high in sugars and processed foods will promote the growth of harmful gut bacteria. A healthy diet containing plenty of prebiotics will help the good bacteria thrive.

According to multiple scientific studies, taking a prebiotic inulin supplement like Performance Lab Prebiotic can effectively alter the composition of the gut, stimulating the growth of a number of species of beneficial bacteria 3.

Doing so can help alleviate symptoms and improve bowel function in people with IBS so that you can live your life pain-free and carefree 4!


Inulin is an indigestible prebiotic fiber that feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which are essential for good gut health. You can find inulin in plant-based foods or take it as a supplement.

Poor gut health is associated with a digestive condition called IBS, which causes unpleasant intestinal symptoms. Taking an inulin supplement is scientifically proven to help improve symptoms of IBS by boosting the numbers of good gut bacteria.

Nourish your gut and say goodbye to discomfort by taking Performance Lab Prebiotic daily!


  1. Koenig, Jeremy E., et al. "Succession of microbial consortia in the developing infant gut microbiome." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108.supplement_1 (2011): 4578-4585.
  2. Menees, Stacy, and William Chey. "The gut microbiome and irritable bowel syndrome." F1000Research 7 (2018).
  3. Vandeputte, Doris, et al. "Prebiotic inulin-type fructans induce specific changes in the human gut microbiota." Gut 66.11 (2017): 1968-1974.